The Music Acaemy of Eastern Carolina is proud to have community leadership with our Board of Directors. In addition to our Board, we have the following committees: Executive Committee (Board officers), Fundriaising, Public Relations/Marketing, and Finance/Property Management. We are grateful for everyone's time and support. If you have an interest in serving with us on the Board or on a committee, please let us know!
MAEC Board of Directors 2021-2022
Mr. Brian Wing, President
Mrs. Janie Norman-Edu, Vice-President
Ms. Sujana Meka, Secreatry/Treasurer
Mr. James Enos-Edu, Past-President
Mrs. Emalynn Colardo
Mrs. Rachel Hupfeld
Ms. Lisa Ours, Faculty Representative (ex-officio)
Mrs. Cheryl Stephenson, Executive Director (ex-officio)
Mr. Michael Stephenson, Executive Director (ex-officio)