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Music Academy Current                                           & New Students:

 REGISTER ONLINE              (New Students)



 Helping Small Businesses 


510 S. Washington St.

Greenville, NC 27858


 Music Academy families, students, alumni and friends:

Let us hear from you - tell us what you are doing now, where you are living and more!  We love to connect with our students from the past!!

Call 252-353-6232 or email: We look forward to hearing from you! 

 2024-2025 Calendar

Fall Term  -  August 28-November 16

Winter Term  -  November 18-March 8

Spring Term -  March 10-June 7

Summer Term - June 9-August 23


 Information on Music Therapy (MT) at MAEC

General MT Info

MT Adaptive Lessons

Pain-Stress Management MT

MT for Children



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    Improving Your Church Choir


    Explore techniques for improving choral blend, intonation, diction and repertoire.  Learn how to balance the musical and non-musical duties for church musicians, such as recruitment and retention, library, and the church year.  Whether you are a volunteer or professional, director or accompanist... this course is for you!


    Contact the Music Academy, 252-353-6232 or email: for more information and to inquire about this program.